The Pergam-Suisse ALMA system detects methane gas leaks from airborne platforms (predominately helicopters) by passing a laser beam through the methane cloud that surrounds the leak source. The infrared laser light emitted includes a wavelength in the region of 1650 nm that methane absorbs. The system analyzes the laser light back scatter to determine how much if any of the laser energy was absorbed by methane. The operator monitors the data provided by the system to confirm leak detections, helps the pilot with navigating along the pipeline, and determines if an area needs further inspection. The system continually records the data including GPS information.
Extensive modifications were made to the ALMA system by Pergam-Suisse to meet the customer’s request of recording high quality video from 4 cameras. One camera looks forward at 45 degrees providing a landscape image to aid in the recognition of the equipment position. Another camera records the area where the equipment is actually pointed. The remaining two cameras are pointed left and right to document the area surrounding the pipeline. Over 150 Gigabytes of video data was recorded.
This report contains maps of the flight path for all three flights; and the GPS coordinates, location depicted on a zoomed-in map, estimated size, and pictures of area for all leaks detected. The video taking during all 3 flights was provided separately on a USB hard disk.
Natural Gas Leak Detection Details
- Inspection Flight: 1
- Location: Mory Piotrkow Wykaz
- Date: 24 April 2007
- Flight Direction: From Northwest to Southwest
- File Name: 240407_000

- Inspection Flight: 2
- Location: Piotr Rz Warta Wykaz
- Date: 24 April 2007
- Flight Direction: From Southwest to Northwest
- File Name: 240407_001