Introducing the Next Generation of the Legendary LMm Laser Methane Detector — Laser Methane Smart
We Invent to Prevent.

Pergam Group

Pergam, a multi-national corporation, is a pioneer in laser-based remote gas leak detection — with a wide range of nondestructive testing methods (NDT). Pergam provides cutting-edge inspection service to the natural gas industry with its unique and patented ALMA and SELMA systems. Located near Seattle, WA, our US office is dedicated to the needs of the North American market. Headquartered in Switzerland, our parent company provides gas leak detection services world-wide.
Projects Geography
Extensive partnerships and offices in the USA, Europe and China allow us to implement projects around the world.
Since 2005, more than 250,000 miles of trunk and gas distribution pipelines have been examined to locate natural gas leaks.
Hundreds miles of power lines were examined for insulation violations using an airborne three-spectral complex.
56 thermal imagers were installed for an automated fire warning system in the railway tunnel of the St. Gotthard mountain pass.
127 thermal imagers were installed on the territory of the National Reserve for the operational tracking of animal migration.
Hundreds of miles of power lines were examined for insulation violations using an airborne three-spectral complex.
A defectoscopy of steel cables of the cableway of the world's highest ice rink "Medeo" was carried out.
South Korea
An explosion-proof IR system for round-the-clock monitoring of methane leaks at the liquefied natural gas storage terminal was installed.
Four stationary systems for analyzing gases dissolved in transformer oil were installed and commissioned at a 500 kV substation.
New Zealand
Providing a fleet of automotive laboratories for the detection of methane leaks in cities.
Costa Rica
Hundreds miles of power lines were examined for insulation violations using an airborne three-spectral complex.
Provided a fleet of automotive laboratories for the detection of methane leaks in cities.
We supplied a helicopter complex to provide a service for circling the country's oil and gas infrastructure in order to detect leaks of natural gas.
South Africa
We delivered a batch of laser remote methane detectors for unmanned aerial vehicles.
We Invent to Prevent
  • 2003
    A device based on the method of remote laser spectroscopy was developed for helicopter-based diagnostics of main gasline linear parts.
  • 2005
    Pergam Technical Services incorporated for sales, service and support.
  • 2006
    We obtained the U.S. Authority's approval for flight inspection of main gaslines (we tested ALMA at the area of Rocky Mountain Oilfield Testing Center).

    A remote vehicle-based methane detector was developed, which expanded the capabilities of SELMA mobile laboratory.
  • 2007
    International patents in the USA and Europe.
  • 2009
    Start of shipments to China, South Korea, Estonia, and other countries.
  • 2010
    Italian office was founded for promotion of proprietary developments on the European market.
  • 2011
    Production begins on updated SELMA Version; sensitivity increased 10 times (up to 0.1ppm).
  • 2013
    LMS fixed installation remote methane detector was developed for continuous gas content monitoring at gas transport system open processing areas.
  • 2014
    An intrinsically safe version of LMS was developed for shipment to South Korea (Korea Gas).
  • 2015
    First shipments of SELMA and helicopter-based remote detector to Australia and New Zealand.
  • 2017
    First fixed-wing sensor successfully installed and flown.
  • 2018 — 2019
    Full-scale production of methane detectors for use on UAV platforms.
  • 2021
    Highly sensitive gas leak detector backpack system for walking and vehicle surveys.
  • 2022
    Mathematical model of gas leaks quantification for TDLAS detectors.

    Opened a branch office in China.
  • 2023
    A wearable detector with voice control and augmented reality (AR) glasses has been successfully tested.

    We've developed the ALMA G5 portable laser methane detector for UAVs and small aircraft.
  • 2024
    We've finished the software and updated the Pergam ALMA G5 interface.
  • 2025
    We've developed the Pergam multisensor system. It's a multi-sensor system with thermal imager, ultrasonic camera and FullHD video camera.