Coming soon: LMS-remote

Stationary Remote Laser Methane Detector

LMS-Remote is a stationary natural gas leak detection system for remote monitoring of elevated methane gas concentrations in ambient air. It is specifically designed for the constant scanning and monitoring of mission-critical areas such as compressor stations, gas tanks, storage facilities, tank farms, gas stations and LNG Terminals.

The LMS-Remote System is based on new technology for detecting natural gas leaks. The system utilizes a post diode laser at a wavelength of 1.65 μm allowing the system to detect traced amount of gas concentrations.

Stationary Natural Gas Leak Detector
Stationary Natural Gas Leak Detector

The optical unit is installed on a pan tilt platform and is designed to scan remote pre-set areas or preset target points. A laser beam is emitted from the sensor and strikes a remote object. The system analyses the laser light back scatter to determine how much, if any of the laser energy was absorbed by methane along the laser-light path.

Remote Laser Methane Detector Soft
Remote Laser Methane Detector Soft

A unique detection algorithm allows for real-time measurement of the methane concentration above atmospheric levels. A video camera is installed in the detector helps the operator in determining the gas cloud location online.

LMS-Remote Methane Gas Detection System can be fully integrated into existing struktures including interaction with other systems such as fire protection systems, gas emission control systems.

Principle of remote detection

LMS-Remote is based on the utilization of laser absorption spectrophotometer of methane gas for gas measurement. The system detects natural gas leaks by emitting a laser at particular wavelength and analyzing the light reflection from an object to determine how much was absorbed by the methane in the natural gas. The measured gas volume is expressed by methane column density (ppm - m): methane density (ppm) multiplied by thickness (m).